Free Education Program to Improve the Lives of Older People
We proudly commission Live Life Get Active to run education programs dedicated to improving the quality of life for people aged 65 years and over. The Live Younger Longer – Active Ageing Program teaches early intervention strategies to improve the health and wellbeing of older people. The program shares cognitive, physical, mental, nutritional and social […]
New Directory of Health Services Launches in Western Sydney
We are excited to announce we have launched Healthy Western Sydney, a free service directory for community members and health professionals in Western Sydney. The directory currently offers information on aged care, dementia and palliative care services in Western Sydney and we plan to expand to include other services in the future. Information available in […]
WentWest Stories, Care Finder: Ms P’s Story
The Care Finder program is commissioned by WSPHN to provide vulnerable older people with the assistance they need. Care Finders can assist community members by talking to My Aged Care on their behalf and arranging an assessment, helping them understand what aged care services are available, and completing forms for them. I met Ms. […]
Connecting Community and Carers to Dementia Support
We fund Dementia Australia’s Dementia Care Navigator program to help people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds navigate the health system and access the right support services whilst seeking a dementia diagnosis or following a diagnosis. Western Sydney is home to over a million people, 53% of whom were born overseas, and 58% of whom […]
New Palliative Care Handbooks for End-of-Life Planning
As part of our End of Life and Palliative Care Program, we have developed two Western Sydney Palliative Care handbooks which aim to improve patients’ access to palliative care and enhance their quality of life and that of their loved ones. In recognition of Dying to Know Day, held recently on 8 August, we encourage […]
Finding the Right Care for Vulnerable Older People in Western Sydney
Care Finder Launch event attendees from Western Sydney Primary Health Network, Aspire4Life, Your Side and Parliament (from left to right):Michelle Marchant, Michael Scurrah, Kristy Butler, Peter Smales, Allison Carter, Hon. Mark Hodges, Tracey Spicer, Elizabeth Foxhall, Michelle Quinn, Jelly Magirazi, Brittany Jack and Paul Tratt. The aged care system is complex, and some people find […]
WentWest Stories, ITC: Drew’s Story
The Integrated Team Care (ITC) Program improves health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with chronic health conditions through access to care coordination, multidisciplinary care and self-management support. It improves access to culturally appropriate, mainstream primary care services, including general practice, allied health and specialists. Drew* was recently diagnosed with late-stage lung […]
WentWest Stories, Palliative Care Team: Geoff’s Story
WentWest has expanded its End of Life and Palliative Care team to provide additional support to GPs in Western Sydney. The team has coordinated and facilitated a series of webinars for primary care providers and works closely with primary care and palliative care service providers to facilitate integration, information sharing and streamlined pathways of […]
WentWest Stories, Palliative Care Team: Rob’s Story
WentWest has expanded its End of Life and Palliative Care team to provide additional support to GPs in Western Sydney. The team has coordinated and facilitated a series of webinars for primary care providers and works closely with primary care and palliative care service providers to facilitate integration, information sharing and streamlined pathways of care. […]
Maintaining the Best Quality of Life for Palliative Care Patients
Palliative care is considered a human right, however, only approximately 14% of people worldwide who need palliative care receive it[1]. Palliative care is not just about dying but is an approach that improves the quality of life of people with a life-threatening illness and their families. This includes the prevention and relief from the […]