Nurses in general practice work collaboratively with GPs and other members of the practice team to provide safe and quality care.

Supporting Nurses in General Practice

The Practice Development team provides assistance to nurses working in general practice based on areas identified from a professional development needs assessment. We can offer practices support in various forms, such as:

  • Education and training events
  • Orientation and mentoring
  • Telephone support

Education Providers

Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA) is the peak professional association for nurses working in Primary Health Care including general practice. If you are a member of APNA you can access the APNA online CPD portal.

The APNA Transition to Practice Program is an accessible, structured 12-month transition support program with 10 months of intensive clinical and professional mentoring support. The overall aim is to increase the confidence, competencies, skills and knowledge of nurses commencing work in primary health care settings. The program will be delivered in four groups, over a four-year period, with transitioning nurses who have recently commenced work in primary health care.

Australian College of Nursing (ACN) is a key national professional nursing organisation open to nurses in all settings and at every stage of their careers. They are also an authorised higher education provider and registered training organisation and the Australian member of the International Council of Nurses.

Training and Resources

Job Vacancies in Western Sydney

The Western Sydney region offers many opportunities to work in general practice. The Western Sydney Primary Health Network region covers the Local Government Areas of Cumberland, Blacktown, Hills Shire and Parramatta.

Nurses looking for opportunities to work in Western Sydney can check our Health Care Positions webpage.

For more information or support please contact Helpdesk on 8811 7117 or email