Head to Health, consisting of a referral line and mental health clinics, has been established to help residents in NSW and ACT whose mental health may be suffering as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

What is Head to Health?

NSW and ACT Primary Health Networks (PHNs) have established pop-up clinics and a referral line in collaboration with the Department of Health (DoH). These services aim to assist community members in receiving the right care, at the right time, for any mental health concerns they may be experiencing. This initiative is an expansion of DoH’s Head to Health and will create a central hub for community members and health professionals to access appropriate services recommended by a trained mental health professional.

Head to Health clinics are specifically designed to provide mental health care to those in need during the extended lockdown in Greater Sydney. These clinics complement the Australian Government’s plan to establish a national network of mental health treatment centres for adults, youth, and children.

Head to Health is available to all NSW and ACT residents, irrespective of if their mental health concerns are pre-existing or if they have emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The model of care will act as a gateway for patients to receive support from existing services relevant to their postcode. This project will support the health care system in managing the increase in demand for mental health services at this time.

How Can Head to Health Help GPs?

Head to Health provides a central intake service that identifies the best support for your patient. Referrals may link to an existing service or connect clients to a Head to Health clinic if there are no appropriate services available.

Head to Health offers extra support to GPs and health providers by helping manage the increased number of people seeking mental health support at this time.

New Head to Health Adult Mental Health Centre Now Open

We are pleased to announce that Stride Mental Health has been appointed the Western Sydney Head to Health AMHC service provider which is now open at: Ground Floor, Suite 1, 150 George Street, Parramatta, NSW 2150.

The AMHC is a significant addition to the network of mental health services operating in our region and provides a stand-alone, multidisciplinary, collaborative service for people aged 18 years and over, looking for or needing moderate to high levels of mental health support and service navigation. The service is free to access, located close to public transport, and requires no referral, appointment or prior mental health diagnosis.

Initial Assessment and Referral

The below Levels of Care are determined by the Department of Health’s National Initial Assessment and Referral for Mental Health Guidance.

Typically no risk of harm, experiencing mild symptoms and/or no/low levels of distress which may be in response to recent psycho-social stressors. 

Symptoms have typically been present for a short period of time. 

The individual is generally functioning well and should have high levels of motivation and engagement. 

Typically minimal or no risk factors, mild symptoms/low levels of distress and where present, this is likely to be in response to a stressful environment. 

Symptoms have typically been present for a short period of time (less than six months, but this may vary). 

Generally functioning well but may have problems with motivation or engagement. Moderate or better recovery from previous treatment. 

Likely mild to moderate symptoms/distress (meeting criteria for diagnosis).

Symptoms have typically been present for six months or more (but this may vary). Likely complexity on risk, functioning or co-existing conditions but not at very severe levels. 

Also suitable for people experiencing severe symptoms with mild or no problems associated with risk, functioning and co-existing conditions. 

A person requiring this level of care usually has a diagnosed mental health condition with significant symptoms and/or significant problems with functioning. 

A person with a severe presentation is likely to be experiencing moderate or higher problems associated with risk, functioning and co-existing conditions.

A person requiring this level of care usually has significant symptoms and problems in functioning independently across multiple or most everyday roles and/or is experiencing: 

  • Significant risk of suicide, self-harm, self-neglect or vulnerability
  • Significant risk of harm to others
  • A high level of distress with potential for debilitating consequence

Frequently Asked Questions

Head to Health is a direct response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and has been established by the NSW Primary Health Networks in collaboration with the Department of Health (DoH).

  • Head to Health can assist GPs in finding the most suitable mental health support for their patients
  • Head to Health can support GPs who are unsure of the severity of the problem, by providing a comprehensive patient assessment to identify the appropriate type of intensity of support needed for their patient.
  • Head to Health can find support for patients who are not eligible for Medicare, such as international students, refugees or people seeking asylum.

Please note, Head to Health is not a crisis service and patients requiring immediate care or crisis intervention should be managed through the local mental health triage or 000 if there are immediate safety concerns.

  1. The person (or their GP or other clinician) calls the Head to Health intake and referral number, 1800 595 212, and selects the appropriate state
  2. The intake and referral team perform an initial assessment to inform the level or intensity of care most suited to the person’s situation
    •  Intake uses the Initial Assessment Referral Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST) which determines level of need from Level 1 to 5.
    • If a person presents at the clinic, intake is performed by a team member there utilising the same IAR tool
  3. The person is then referred to the appropriate service(s) for their level of care. This may include the Head to Health service, other no-cost of low-cost service, or a service that they consent to pay for.

No. In the first instance, please call Head to Health Pop Up intake and referral on 1800 595 212.

The Head to Health team may request further information to assist your patient into the most appropriate care.

If your patient is going to receive care from a clinic, with their permission, you will be contacted for further information and shared care planning.

Head to Health uses the Initial Assessment and Referral decision support tool (IAR-DST).

This determines level of need from Level 1 (low intensity) through to Level 5 (acute).

Whether intake is performed through the central 1800 595 212 number or direct at a hub, the same tool will be used.

  • People with Level 1 and 2 needs will be connected with existing lower intensity services, usually phone or online support
  • Those with Level 3 and 4 needs may receive care from a hub, either onsite or through telehealth, or other more suitable services, including MBS funded psychological services.
  • Level 5 will be connected to specialist or acute mental health services, including into emergency care or into an area mental health triage.

No. Head to Health welcomes anyone who requires mental health and wellbeing support, whether their mental health issues are pre-existing or have emerged during the pandemic.

The surge in people seeking support due to COVID-19 pandemic, was the stimulus for setting up the Head to Health service. The central intake and Pop Ups opened on 6 September 2021.

As part of an integrated primary care response, and to support continuity of care, people will be encouraged to also see their regular GP, or will be helped to find a regular GP if they don’t have one.